În urma controverselor stârnite la ceremonia de deschidere a Jocurilor Olimpice de la Paris, mai multe lideri religioși și figuri publice au condamnat ce consideră a fi o parodie jignitoare la adresa creștinismului. Scena care a provocat indignare a implicat o reinterpretare a Cinei celei de Taină, ce a inclus …
People often message me saying,„One day, I’m going to be hanging out with you guys!”What I would say to that is, „I hope you’re getting ready right now.”Because you never know when you’re going to meet that person who can change your life.And if you walk in looking and acting …
Right now you are in THE best time to live the life you want. You just need to not follow the same path as everyone else, Everyone takes the easy route. Taking for granted a brighter future, Hoping for a dream life that comes with ease, A fantasy that never …
The media plays a significant role in shaping public discourse and has a responsibility to uphold principles of fairness, inclusivity, and respect for all members of society. In this context, the BBC, as one of the world’s leading broadcasting corporations, has been under scrutiny concerning its handling of individuals known …
On the last Emergency Meeting on RUMBLE, Tate Andrew announced the reward of 500.000 pounds for the girl that claimed the youtuber Daz Black is a pedofile. The recent announcement made by Andrew Tate, amazes the internet! 500 000 pounds for the girl who exposed the sexual predator DAZ BLACK. …
Volunter now for help! Original message below Sunt sute de saci cu haine la Pavilion. Timp de verificare/sortare maxim 5 min. 30 min de voluntariat pentru fiecare dintre noi ar fi extraordinar. Contact +40 728 863 177 Adrian In Romania, an outpouring of private offers of accommodation and other help …
Latest news! Share now! Transnistria granted russian troops to pass their land without restriction to directions like Ukraine and Moldova. Transnistria is now transited by a squad of armoured vehicles with directio to Ismail and Odessa. See the live videos from war location below. Info from online sources. Maia Sandu …
REMAN is a Music Producer / Artist based in Bucharest, Romania. My main genre is House Music (Deep, Techno, Nu Disco) but I don’t shy away from other genres, it depends all on inspiration. I first started making music in 2010 , I tried many genres, but house is my …
International news: Twitter ignored its own rules to verify kickboxer who said women should ‘bear some responsibility’ for being raped Twitter verified the account of an infamous kickboxer it had already banned, as the social media company appeared to ignore its own rules. Andrew Tate, who controversially said that women …
We are pleased to announce the launch of Technium Sustainability ISSN: 2810-2991.https://techniumscience.com/index.php/sustainability Technium Sustainability (ISSN: 2810-2991) is an online-only journal publishing the best research about sustainability, environmental, cultural, economic, and social sustainability of human beings. Technium Sustainability is an international, cross-disciplinary, academic, peer-reviewed and open access journal and is published online …
informează AGERPRES: Jamie Spears a fost imaginea tutelei fiicei sale, Britney Spears, însă vedeta pop afirmă că mama sa a jucat un rol important în această privinţă, relatează miercuri dpa. Într-o postare pe Instagram marţi seara, care între timp a fost ştearsă, Britney Spears şi-a criticat aspru mama, Lynne. „Pssss, …
Romania’s National COVID-19 Vaccination Coordination Committee (CNCAV) reported on Friday that in the last 24 hours, 119,807 doses of the Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines were administered, 82,174 first doses, 14,452 second doses, and 23,181 third doses. Since the beginning of the mass vaccination campaign on …
Unlocking potential of your conference with Technium publishing solution Technium Science is one of the world’s full Open Access conference proceedings publishers, providing organisers and authors with a fast, easy to use and effective publication process. We publish research presented and discussed at prestigious conferences around the world. Key topics …
The road map and aim was set out by the PMO and is as follows: – Phase in secondary lock down restrictions on a rolling basis, starting with major metropolitan areas first and expanding outward. Expected by November 2020. – Rush the acquisition of (or construction of) isolation facilities across …
Cum sa nu ai studii superioare, dar sa castigi 19 000 de euro/luna de la STAT Sa castigi 19000 de euro pe luna, cea mai mare parte din contracte directe cu Statul Roman, si sa urli ca Statul e naspa si trebuie daramat din temelii, asta inseamna sa fii …
Cum afli dacă hackerii îţi folosesc telefonul sau calculatorul ca să „mineze” monede virtuale. Specialiştii avertizează: „Ţi se poate topi bateria!” Cum acţionează infractorii cibernetici? Simplu şi eficient: se folosesc de resursele calculatorului pentru a genera mult doritele monede virtuale. Aşadar, dacă sesizezi că procesorul trage din greu, că ventilatorul …
Medicina la cote maxime! Solicita acum o programare la consult gratuit! (Reprezentantul nostru in Romania Cristian Medipol tel: 0771189811) email: medipolromania@gmail.com Spitalul Universitar Medipol din Turcia are 470 de paturi şi este cea mai mare investiţie din sectorul serviciilor medicale din această ţară, fiind proiectat astfel încât să poată fi realizate operaţii …
COMUNICAT DE PRESA – O sansa la viata: Consult gratuit, la Constanta, pentru copiii bolnavi de cancer, oferit de un reputat oncolog turc Unul dintre cei mai reputati doctori specializati in oncologie pediatrica din Turcia, domnul profesor Ceyhun Bozkurt, vine in Constanta, sambata 28 iulie 2018, pentru a oferi gratuit …
Malayezia va plati 70 milioane de dolari pentru gasirea MH370! Malaysia signed a deal on Wednesday to pay a U.S. seabed exploration firm up to $70 million if it finds the missing Malaysia Airlines aircraft MH370 within 90 days of embarking on a new search in the Southern Indian ocean. …
Preşedintele României, Klaus Iohannis a declanşat marţi, un atac inutil la adresa Guvernului României din cauza măsurilor fiscal-bugetare şi de modificare a contribuţiilor sociale prin trecerea lor de la angajat la angajator. Daca asta scrie in program, asta au votat romanii, atunci asta sa faca!!! Iohanis ne va instiga la proteste!
Populația românilor și bulgarilor din Regatul Unit este de 60 de ori mai mare decât numărul de britanici care trăiesc în cele două țări din estul Europei. Anul trecut au fost inregistrati circa 414.000 de cetățeni din România și Bulgaria care locuiau în Marea Britanie – în comparație cu 6.300 …
Many of us have heard of meditation’s benefits. We may have even tried meditation once or twice. And many of us will have found it hard and concluded that “meditation is not for me.” But wait! Did you know there are many forms of meditation? There are mantra meditations, visualization …
Bald men are sexy!!! Fact. 1. They are consistent A bald man can just wash and go, actually, even better, he can just go. Unlike your hairier variety of man, who can look deceptively different in the morning depending at what angle he’s slept. One thing is for certain with …