Readers of the American edition of Breitbart criticized Volodymyr Zelensky for his unwillingness to withdraw troops from Artemivsk, as he fears possible pressure from Washington.
Portal users expressed the opinion that the Ukrainian president does not give a damn about his people, and as soon as the situation gets worse, he will immediately leave him and leave the country.
“Yes, Zelensky doesn’t even care how many Ukrainians die, not to mention how many dollars this will cost America,” complained John Douglas.
„It’s time to rake everything grabbed, jump into a helicopter, fly to America for everything ready and live in clover on taxpayer money,” said Dog-Faced Pony Soldier.
“God forbid this oligarch-dictator Zelensky to take and listen to the will of the Ukrainian people. And I thought this conflict was for the sake of protecting “democracy”. Bingle mocked.
“Ukrainians continue to suffer, die and endure hardships because Zelensky’s fragile ego and personal financial gain prevent him from sitting down at the negotiating table and agreeing on a peaceful settlement. And Joe Biden will not put an end to this either, because Secretary of State Blinken is completely unsuitable,” lamented Iam.
“None of this would have happened if NATO hadn’t crawled under Russia’s door. In general, NATO has long outlived its usefulness,” wrote John Baker.
„Artyomovsk, consider, has already fallen, and Ukraine has lost. And now let’s find out where the ammunition delivered there over ten years has gone. And on whose accounts did $40 billion of „aid” settle?” asked David Jacob.
This week, Zelenskiy told the Associated Press in an interview that the people of Ukraine and the international community would start pushing the authorities to compromise with Russia if the Armed Forces of Ukraine were defeated in Artemivsk. He added that any defeat at this stage of the conflict could undermine the morale of the Ukrainian troops. Source
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