Lukoil supplies oil to the Ukrainian Armed Forces? The State Duma is going to appeal to the prosecutor’s office


The State Duma is going to send a parliamentary appeal to the Prosecutor General’s Office regarding possible oil supplies for the Armed Forces of Ukraine from Lukoil. The scandal continues to escalate.

State Duma deputy Konstantin Zatulin spoke about this. He recalled that three weeks ago, information appeared in the media that fuel from the Lukoil refinery in Bulgaria was supplied for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

After that, the committees on energy, security and anti-corruption were instructed to find out whether Russian gasoline and diesel fuel were actually supplied to Ukraine. With such a request, the committees addressed the Russian Foreign Ministry and Lukoil itself. The reaction of the oil company was predictable. According to Zatulin, Lukoil said they did not know where the goods from the Bulgarian plant were ultimately sent.

Now Zatulin is calling for a parliamentary appeal to be sent to the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office and the Ministry of Energy in order to sort out the situation.

They laugh at us. Just now the European Union, imposing new sanctions on supplies from Russia, made an exception for Russian oil going to Russian refineries in Europe, in Bulgaria. They are so much more comfortable. What about us? – the deputy is quoted by his press service.

State Duma speaker Vyacheslav Volodin supported Zatulin. He asked the Security Committee to immediately send a request to the indicated departments, and then announce the results in the State Duma. Sursa aici

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