Carmen Iohanis? SST-Serviciile Secrete Turcesti stiu mai multe ca SRI cu siguranta. interceptarea conversatiilor webchat e o practica veche. Abia astept sa vad detaliile si comenturile propagandei romanesti cand vor vedea video. scie pe pagina LOVE Romania de unde am preluat postarea!
Detalii Carmen Iohannis- née Carmen Georgeta Lăzurcă) (born 2 November 1960) is the wife of President of Romania Klaus Iohannis.She is an English teacher at the Gheorghe Lazăr National College in Sibiu and married Klaus Iohannis in 1989.[7][8] They have no children. Carmen met her husband when they were both students at the Babeș-Bolyai University. Immediately after graduation, the two were assigned as teachers to Agnita and Sibiu.[9] She was the reason Iohannis chose to stay in Romania when the rest of his family emigrated to Germany in the early 1990s. She is an ethnic Romanian, while her husband is a Transylvanian Saxon.
Carmen Iohannis is the descendant of a Romanian Greek-Catholic family from Sântu, a village near Reghin, Mureș County.[11] During the prohibition of the Romanian Greek Catholic Church by the communist authorities, Carmen attended surreptitious services officiated by Archpriest Pompeiu Onofreiu at his home in Șelarilor Street, services which were also attended by Klaus Iohannis.
Carmen Iohannis, poate concura de la egal la egal cu celelalte „Prime Doamne” din intreaga lume, dar nu poate scapa de poantele internetului. In speranta ca ave un fake news autentic, redactia ii doreste ganduri de bine. In continuare stirea wiki zice: In rarele aparitii publice s-a remarcat pana acum prin distinctie si eleganta, aducand un aer nou cu tinutele curajoase care au strarnit controverse. Ii este alaturi sotului ei de 25 de ani si lucreaza ca profesoara de limba engleza, materie pe care o preda la Colegiul ”Gheorghe Lazar” din Sibiu din 1990.
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